Wednesday, April 28, 2010

ch 24

The picture of the 1st map U.S Bases Abroad: The Political/ Military Face the American
Empire. It shows the alliance with other countries and who we can rely on. This map show we have military bases all around the country. But the biggest military base is located in U.S.
The picture of the 2nd map Global Mcdonald's: The Economic/ Cultural Face of the American Empire. It shows mcdonalds is globally all over the world. Mcdonalds is a fast growing industry. Even though Mcdonalds is all over the world, some Mcdonalds sell different items in their country.

ch 23

Nelson Mandela, South Africa's nationalist leader, first uttered these words in 1964 at his trial for treason, sabotage, and conspiracy to overthrow the apartheid government of his country. Convicted of those charges, he spent the next twenty- seven years in prison, sometimes working at hard labor in a stone quarry. Often the floor was his bed, and a bucket was his toilet. He was allowed one visitor a year for thirty minutes and permitted to write and receive one letter every six months. When he was finally released from prison in 1990 under growing domestic and international pressure, he concluded his first speech as a free person with the words originally spoken at his trial.

Ch. 22

The Hydrogen Bomb during the 1950 and early 1960, tests in the atmosphere of ever larger and more sophisticated hydrogen bombs made images of enormous fireballs and mushroom- shaped clouds the universal symbol of these weapons, which were immensely more powerful than the atomic bombs dropped on Japan. the American test pictured here took place in 1957.
A single bomb in a single instant could obliterate any major city in the world.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

chapter 21

In chapter 21 the picture of Hitler '' The Faces of European Fascism'' Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler came to symbolize fascism in Europe in the several decades between the two world wars. In the photograph from September 1937. They are reviewing German troops in Munich during Mussolini's visit to Germany. The trip that deepened the growing relationship between thier two countries.
Without communism we wouldn't have experienced major events in our history. Communism helped shape the Nzzi party under the leadership of Adolf Hitler. the Nazi party under hitlers leadrship proclaimed a message of racial superiority and bitter hatred for jews. under Hitlers power he abolished labor unions and controlled the press and the radio.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Ch. 16

In 1492 European Espansion commerce money. In 1348 the Renaissance and Humanism at the time plague was being affected to them. It affected the art of realism and human beings cleanliness and novels utopian ideas and protestant reference. The pope and the king had both similarities with each other as far as the rel and the poly. The statment was '' seek truth from facts of faith. The sun is the center of the universe.

Ancient Classical

In the Ancient Classical/ Modern, middle ages Melinel/ Renaissance in 1348 Plague was being affected to the people. People blamed and had guilt to God and humanism. In 1492 Columbus had equality instead of dominance. In the catholic church, catholics and Protestants. Martin Luther King had indulgence with money. The Orthodox church in the 1400s Constantinople had 1 stranded.

It seem like the classical era and the middle ages and the Renaissance had a lot of affect on people. So affected that they blame the Gods and humanism. But then Columbus came up with the equality instead of dominating. Then Martin Luther King had indulgence with money. the orthodox then had 1 strand in Constantinople.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Human Trafficking

After reading this article I was shocked that such things still happen in the world today. I knew that slavery still existed in parts of the world and knew very little about the sex trade, but after reading in detail the experience of the young girls from Vietnam, it saddens me that these girls are being tricked into the sex trade. What shocks me more is that some families are willing to give over their daughters to the sex trade for money. I could see there families being poor but that doesn't mean they have to solve their problems in a difficult and in a hard way, where they have to sacrifice their children. I see it as torture and sadness for their lives.